Gala vs. Fuji Apples – What are the Differences?

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When you mention fruits, most people will think about apples. Apples are very popular around the globe, not only for their versatility and taste but also for their nutritional benefits and availability throughout the year. 29% of the fruits that people consume on a daily basis in the United States are apples. There is a wide variety of apples, and if you are reading this, you probably want to know more about their difference.

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In this post, we will handle the Gala vs. Fuji apple differences. We will answer questions such as, where are Fuji apples grown, and many more.

Gala Apples

Gala Apples Fresh Produce ir?t=reviewho 20&language=en US&l=li3&o=1&a=B007OC5X40

Gala apples’ origin is New Zealand. Farmers believe that these apples are a breed of the Kidd’s Orange Red and the Golden Delicious apples. They first arrived in the United States in the 1970s. They account for the highest percentage of apples grown throughout the world.

In regards to their appearance, they are red and golden yellow on the exterior while the interior is slightly yellow. Their texture is crisp and the flavor mildly sweet. These apples are very good for juicing, freezing, and baking. These apples are medium to small and they have a wide shape that is shaped like a heart.

One of the major similarities between Fuji vs. Gala apples is they are the best option for applesauce. However, they tend to spoil quickly, which is why it is highly recommended that you refrigerate quickly and use them as soon as you can. Farmers who have this type of fruit in their farms usually harvest them from the late days of July to the early days of September. However, they are available throughout the year.

The problem with Gala apples is that they tend to have different textures at different stages. When you enjoy it when fresh and in season, you will find that it has an amazing crunch taste. However, when they are not in the peak seasons, they become floury and soft.

If you want to test the gala apple for quality, you should use your hand. A Gala apple should have clear skin and the surface should be smooth. Make sure that it feels solid. Next, make sure to check for any wrinkles by rubbing your thumb across the apple. Wrinkles prove that it has been stored for a long while.


Fuji Apples

Fuji Applesir?t=reviewho 20&language=en US&l=li3&o=1&a=B00AJWY71M

Fuji apples’ origin is Japan. It was developed in the country in the early 1940s and went into the market in the early 1960s. It is a cross of the Ralls Janet and the Red Delicious. The Ralls Janet is not very popular. However, it is the source of the amazing pink appearance.


A Fuji apple is one of the most attractive of all the varieties. Its characteristics feature an appealing yellow-green exterior that is under an amazing pink flush. The flesh inside has a white and dull appearance and it is extremely juicy and crisp.  The flavor is freshening especially when it is chilled slightly. However, it is not as outstanding as you would expect. The flavor is also sweet.

Why are Fuji apples so expensive? Well, these fruits are grown widely. However, the production of the Northern hemisphere is from China, Japan, and the United States. In addition, the fruit does not ripen early like the other varieties. For the northern hemisphere, it is available between November and December, while it is available between May and June for the southern hemisphere.

These apples require a lot of sun to ripen adequately and produce their amazing taste.

What are Fuji apples best used for? Well, Fuji apples can be enjoyed whether raw or cooked in different ways. So, are Fuji apples good for baking? Fuji apples are used for roasting, stewing, as well as baking. You can slice them, use them in fruit salads, or you can grate them and use them in coleslaw. What about pies? Are Fuji apples good for pies? The skin of the apple is thick and the flesh dense, which means that it will hold perfectly when you cook it. For that reason, it is very popular for pies, tarts, cakes, crisps, crumbles, as well as muffins.


The Gala vs. Fuji apple comparison proves that there is some difference in both these varieties. Make sure that you know the variety you prefer and the intended use before you purchase one or the other.

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