Difference Between Peanut Oil And Corn Oil: Unveiling the Distinct Nuances

With the variety of oils available in the market, it is important to have the necessary information to decide on which oil is favorable for you. Different oils have different properties that qualify them for specific methods of cooking. Some oils can be consumed raw while others have to be cooked.

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In this article, we’ll look at corn oil vs. peanut oil. Is corn oil similar to peanut oil? If not, what are their differences? What are their health benefits? Let’s dive in and get the answers to these questions.

What Is Their Nutrition?

Let’s get to understand corn oil vs. peanut oil nutrition. What are the nutritional constituents of each?

Corn oil is extracted from the germ of the corn. It is one of the most affordable oils hence the most prevalent. Corn oil contains monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, vitamin E, phytosterols, and omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. However, omega-6 fatty acids are higher than omega-3.

On the other hand, peanut oil is derived from peanuts. It is quite costly compared to corn oil but has many benefits. It contains monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats but the monounsaturated are more. It also contains vitamin E and omega-6 fatty acids.

The unsaturated fats found in these oils are safe for consumption. However, omega-6 fatty acids cause inflammation if taken in high quantities.

Nutrition Facts (per tablespoon)Peanut oilCorn oil
Fat14 grams14 grams
Saturated Fat:2 grams2 grams

Smoke Point

Smoke points of oils

In looking at corn oil vs. peanut oil smoke point, we’ll get to see which one is more heat resistant.

Corn oil has a high smoke point at around 450 degrees F.

In comparison, peanut oil also has a high smoke point of 437 degrees F.

The difference in smoke points is not that great and they both have high smoke points which is an advantage as discussed below.


Deep frying

Deep frying in Peanut Oil And Corn Oil

Corn oil vs. peanut oil deep frying. Which one is best suited for deep frying?

To determine whether an oil or oil blend is ideal for deep frying, we have to consider its smoke point among other considerations. As we have seen, both corn oil and peanut oil have high smoke points making them both ideal for deep frying.

Another consideration is their saturated fat content. The lesser the content, the safer the fried food. Both corn oil and peanut oil have low saturated fat content making them ideal for deep frying.

Corn Oil vs. Peanut Oil

From what we’ve seen so far, which one is better peanut oil or corn oil? Considering their smoke point and deep frying, they are both ideal.

With their similarities in consideration, can you substitute peanut oil for corn oil? The correct answer is yes. You can substitute peanut oil for corn oil. Most vegetable oils are safe for deep frying as long as they have low levels of saturated fats. The two oils have low levels of saturated fats.

Key Attributes of Peanut Oil:

  1. Flavor Profile: Peanut oil’s strong nutty flavor adds a unique dimension to dishes, making it a favorite for stir-fries and dressings.
  2. Smoke Point: With a high smoke point, peanut oil can withstand high temperatures without breaking down, making it suitable for deep-frying.
  3. Rich in Monounsaturated Fats: The oil is rich in monounsaturated fats, which are considered heart-healthy fats that can help lower bad cholesterol levels.
  4. Vitamin E: Peanut oil contains vitamin E, an antioxidant that contributes to skin health and boosts the immune system.

Key Attributes of Corn Oil:

  1. Neutral Flavor: Corn oil’s mild taste allows the flavors of the dish to shine, making it an excellent choice for recipes where the oil’s taste shouldn’t dominate.
  2. Smoke Point: Like peanut oil, corn oil has a high smoke point, ensuring stability and maintaining the integrity of your dishes even at high temperatures.
  3. Polyunsaturated Fats: Corn oil is rich in polyunsaturated fats, particularly omega-6 fatty acids, which contribute to heart health when consumed in moderation.
  4. Plant Sterols: This oil contains plant sterols, natural compounds that can help lower cholesterol levels, promoting cardiovascular well-being.

Choosing Between Peanut Oil and Corn Oil: Considerations

When deciding between peanut oil and corn oil for your culinary creations, several factors come into play:

1. Flavor Preference:

If you desire a distinct nutty taste in your dishes, peanut oil is the winner. Its robust flavor can elevate simple stir-fries and add depth to marinades.

2. Cooking Methods:

For deep-frying and high-heat cooking, both oils perform exceptionally well due to their high smoke points. However, if you’re looking for a more neutral option, corn oil might be your go-to for baking and grilling.

3. Health Considerations:

In terms of health benefits, both oils have their merits. Peanut oil’s monounsaturated fats are heart-healthy, while corn oil’s polyunsaturated fats provide a balanced source of essential fatty acids. It’s essential to use these oils in moderation as part of a well-rounded diet.


In the realm of cooking oils, peanut oil and corn oil shine as versatile options, each bringing its unique qualities to the table. Peanut oil entices with its bold nutty flavor and richness, while corn oil offers a neutral taste that complements a wide range of dishes. Both oils excel in high-heat cooking, thanks to their high smoke points, making them indispensable for achieving crispy and delicious results.

In the end, the choice between peanut oil and corn oil boils down to your culinary preferences and the specific demands of your recipes. By understanding the distinct attributes of each oil, you can confidently select the one that aligns with your cooking style and dietary goals.

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